The Home

The new Home is spacious and well ventilated.

Apart from the dormitories, there are separate kitchen facilities, milk preparation room, isolation room for children with suspected infectious diseases, adequate water supply, contant electricity supply made possible by an electrical generating plant as stand-by to that supplied by Nigerian Electricity Power Authority (NEPA).

The Rotary Club of Bodija in Ibadan donated a washing machine. The Rotary Club of Ibadan-Oluyole in its 1999/2000 projects included renovation of the children's wards/replacement of windows and mosquito nets and paiting of the entire Home.

Mrs Solanke's vision extended beyond the Home for Motherless Babies. She felt there was need to take care of children whose mothers had to go to work from their homes. This dream was realized through the Bodija's Lion Club, an indigenous philanthropic organization based in Ibadan. The donated a building in the Premises of the Home for this purpose and thus Mrs Solanke's Day Care Centre was established in 1995. With all these developments, the interest of the Life Patron of the Home, Chief Bode Akindele was aroused and he donated to the Home a multi-purpose hall. It is hoped that these buildings will form a nuclues of a nursery/primary school in the nearest future.

Medical Care

Funding & Needs

The Expenditure of the Home has risen sharply in recent years and there is indication that this will continue to be so for some time. The monthly expenditure for the maintenance of the Home is approximately N3,000,000 including staff salaries, Electricity, Telephone, and hospital bills, fuel, vehicle maintenance, food, drug etc. Since its inception in 1961, individuals from all works of life have assisted the Home by voluntary donations in cash and kind. This has been the main source of funding especially in the recent years when Government subvention has not been forth coming.

The names of individuals, clubs both national and international, women groups, church societies who have supported the Home one way or the other are too numerous to mention. The Home is immense and full of gratitude to these individuals and groups of people.

Needs of the Home

  1. Regular Visit; Need for social stimulation and proper development of the children.
  2. Donations


We must once again appeal to our friends for help to ensure that these infants have care and comfort in the home and a proper start in life. Your donation in cash, cheque or banker's order will be immediately acknowledged and gratefully received and should be addressed to:

Bank: Union Bank, U.C.H, Ibadan.
A/c No.: 0000222980
Account Name: Ibadan Home for Motherless Babies.

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